Suffering for His glory!

Take time to watch the following video. God has burdened me recently as Pastor at Center Hill to preach on and prepare our folks for the inevitable suffering that each of us face. I have become more and more convinced that we live our lives in peaks and valleys and the older I get I believe that we spend most of our time on the down hill side of those hills. Life is filled with suffering, not to the degree sometimes of others and never to the degree of our Lord on the cruel cross of Calvary, but life is marked by suffering. At Center Hill, we have preached through several scriptural sections of suffering and even had our Easter series on our Lord’s preparation of His disciples for their coming suffering. I have recently followed the journey of Pastor Matt Chandler through his video blogs and church updates while he battles brain cancer. A young Pastor full of zeal for the Gospel, a love for Christ and great potential for the kingdom, stricken with a brain tumor. A loving father and devoted husband, seemingly kept from the joys of those duties. It’s easy to ask why and focus on the suffering but that’s not God’s intention. ‘He has set apart the godly for Himself’ (Psalm 4) and wants to receive glory, even in the midst of our suffering. What a testimony Matt has been to the glory of God. May the Lord allow each of us the same grace, both to display and to personally experience as Matt, when we find ourselves in the midst of suffering. T4G 2010 — Special Session — Matt Chandler from Together for the Gospel (T4G) on Vimeo. soli deo gloria